【GRist】 Vol.14 Seung-hwan ROH (Mr.ROH) さん

2019.01.16 BLOG

GRist 14人目はお隣、韓国ソウルの写真家のロー・スンファン (Mr.ROH) さん


GR official TOPページでも見られます。


私は写真を商業写真と純写真に分けたりしません。 アーティスト写真、レコードジャケット、舞台用ポスター、ファインアートの写真展示などをどれも楽しんで撮影しますし、特定の分野に限定せず、さまざまな分野でやろうとしています。そのため、常に写真を勉強し続けています。
GRの第一印象は、私にとって非常に衝撃的でした。当時は、高品質な写真は高価で巨大なカメラによってのみ撮られると思っていたからです。でも、GRによってこの偏見は崩壊しました。 GRは持ち運びが簡単で発色もいい。撮影に集中させてくれます。
私が最初にGR DIGITALリリースのニュースを聞いたとき、GRのデジタル化についてはかなり懐疑的でした。なぜなら、フィルムカメラからのGRの哲学を熟知していたからです。

- スタジオを運営 rohsh.com
- デザインや写真などのビジュアルアートワーク
- ジャラ島で開催される「国際ジャズフェスティバル」公式写真家 (2015〜)
- 国立劇場での「YeowooRockフェスティバル」公式写真家(2013-2016)
- 「 BLACKBACK」を発表(すべての写真がGRによって撮影)
- 「WE OUR HOUR OURS」を公開(GR写真×イラストレーターのコラボレーション)


Hello. I am a photographer. I am really honored to be nominated as the 1st Korean GRist.
I feel excited but at the same time a little bit afraid due to responsibility of GRist since I think there are a lot of photographer who are more professional and well-known than me.
I don’t divide photographs into commercial and pure (natural) photography, just like to enjoy photographing such as taking photographs of artists, record covers, performance posters, fine art works for exhibition/display. Like this, rather than concentrating on the specific field, I try to do a variety of fields. It makes me study photography always.
Also, I am a photographer who doesn’t insist on taking pictures with specific camera models in specific fields. When I work, I don’t care about mid or full-frame body and just use cameras according to the working situation and condition.
But the GR is in my right side pocket surprisingly and always around me. It means that I am quite used to using the GR.
The first impression of GR is very shocking for me. At that time I was misunderstanding that high quality of pictures were taken by only expensive and huge cameras. However, GR broke up this stereotype completely. GR is very portable and has good sense of color. It can make me concentrate more on shooting.
When I heard the launching news of GR DIGITAL at first, I was really wondering about GR’s digital models since I was fully noted about GR’s philosophy from film cameras.
Again, GR reminded me that high quality pictures do not always come from high-end and big/full body cameras.
The GR will always be along with my travels and in my right hand side pocket.
I strongly believe in GR’s ability.

-Operates STUDIO rohsh.com
-Visual artwork such as design and photography etc
-Official photographer of “International Jazz festival” at Jara-island (2015-)

-Official photographer of “YeowooRock Festival” at National Theater (2013-2016)
-Published “BLACKBACK” (All the pictures in this book were taken by GR)
-Published “WE OUR HOUR OURS” (Collaboration of GR pictures X Illustrator)


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