This is the 4th GR SNAPS. Each time we receive many applications and it’s delightful and difficult at the same time to make the selection.
When the same members select, the results tend to be biased. We can’t help it because it’s a matter of taste.
Then, we got to know photographer Shinya Takahashi by chance. He has his base on Instagram and has many fans there, so we thought he would be appropriate as the judge for the Instagram based GR SNAPS and made the offer.
We are excited to see what he will select from his point of view because he has taken many snap shots that are clearly different from those easily consumed.
The theme is "Snap."
Straightforward, right on the spot. It may be difficult because of that, but please don’t take it too seriously.
It might be fun to make a rule like "apply at least one picture a day during the application period." Snap shooting is deep but easy. Please join us!
■ Shinya Takahashi
He has two Instagram accounts to share his wonderful photos daily.
***** GR SNAPS Vol.4 Summary *****
■ Application Period: November 27 (Tue) - December 10 (Mon), 2018
■ Theme: "Snap"
■ How to Apply: Post on your Instagram account with the following two hashtags
#grsnaps04 #grsnaps
■ Announcement of Selection: Selected 5 works will be announced in late December on GR official
■ Others
- Please post only on Instagram.
- Selected works will be used in the main visuals etc. of this site.
- For more terms of application, please see the link below.
Looking forward to your posts. Thank you!