The Theme of GR SNAPS Vol.5 is “Color”

2019.02.06 BLOG

In winter, it is less colorful. But it is the season when you become more sensitive to color because of that.
Please submit a nice “color” you have found.
Of course, you can post something that’s indirectly related to color, too.

***** GR SNAPS Vol.5 Summary *****

· Application Period: February 5 (Tue) to February 18 (Mon), 2019

· Theme: "Color"

· How to Apply: Post on your Instagram account with the following two hashtags
#grsnaps05 #grsnaps

· Announcement of Selection: The writers will select 5 works after consultation and announce it in late February here on GR official

· Others
- Please post only on Instagram.
- Selected works will be used in the main visuals etc. of this site.
- For more terms of application, please see the link below.

Looking forward to your posts. Thank you!

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