The 29th GRist is Qianli Zhang !
The photos can be viewed on GRist page.
About Qianli Zhang
Qianli Zhang is a travel photographer, filmmaker, book writer. He is shooting for Getty Images, National Geographic Traveler, Ricoh, Sony, and Hasselblad, and is the ambassador of Gitzo. He is based in Shanghai and Toronto.
Qianli made a program named "Beyond the Photo”, which is the most popular photography video in Chinese language. He has 3 million followers.
Qianli published two best-seller books so far:
「The Guide for Travel Photographer」
「The Guide for Travel Photographer II」
And his 3rd book will be published soon.
In 2005, National Geographic Magazine honored Qianli Zhang with the first prize of Yearly Travel Photography Contest and invited him to visit the headquarter located in Washington DC, USA.
About photography
I spend most of my time as a street photographer, in both the city where I live and places where I travel. I don’t like to do guided travels, I prefer to capture rough areas, follow my intuition and things that attract me, and wander around. I don’t force myself to take a picture. When I can shoot with real thoughts at the time, I am satisfied. Since there is no purpose, there is not much expectation for results. I just love that kind of uncertain encounters. They are collisions between instant, real scenes and my inner monologue. This is what attracts me to street photography. Non-reproducibility of the scene, dopamine secretion caused by it- these are very different from other types of photography. Its process and results are just so enchanting. Sometimes I am more intoxicated by taking photos of myself, living spaces, family, friends, and experiences that are trivial. Be true to life and loyal to myself. Shooting those moments that are meaningful to me is the greatest significance of my photography.
About travel
I don’t travel for photography, nor do I photograph my travel. I go to places wherever I want to go and I suddenly become interested in something. Travel reveals everything more calmly. Travel and photography are particularly personal matters. I meet either the world or myself. To travel is to go outward, photography is my reaction to the outward process- it’s the visual and less accurate expression of digging my heart.
About Ricoh GR
The light-weighted Ricoh GR camera is an ideal companion for my trip, convenient for one-handed snapshots, and is unparallelly optimized for street snapshots. It is low-key but has enough power to hit the right thing in an instant. With the improvement in this generation, overall control and picture quality have been further improved. Whether I take a walk near my home or travel to a country far away on the other side of the globe, the GR can complete the task very well. It has become an essential piece of equipment in my camera bag. The Ricoh GR is really an addictive camera. So I also have shared my experiences and feelings with 3 million fans around the world through my video channel “Beyond the Photo”, so that more and more GR users can come together to exchange experiences.
#Original text
张千里,旅行摄影师、视频制作人、书籍作者。 美国GettyImages签约摄影师。加拿⼤PPOC职业摄影师协会会员,Gitzo全球形象⼤使,理光、索尼、哈苏、ILFORD等品牌合作摄影师,Datacolor全球认证色彩管理专家。
不论是在生活的地方还是在旅游当中,我都会花大量时间用来街拍。我不喜欢做旅行攻略 ,比较喜欢随意发挥,记录下身边能打动我的事物。也不会强迫自己去拍照,或者对拍摄的结果有特定的期望,而是拍我喜欢的、有意思的景象。这种不确定的相遇,按下快门的瞬间,正是吸引我去街拍的理由。
关于Ricoh GR