The 34th GRist is Tomas H. Hara!
Tomas’s GR workshops at Ricoh Imaging Square Ginza were always popular (we plan to have them at Ricoh Imaging Square Tokyo as well). It’s worth mentioning that, in March this year, his first solo exhibition was held in Yokohama, which he thinks somehow resembles his hometown Buenos Aires, Argentina.
You can see his photos in the gallery below, on the TOP page or the GRist page.
My GR Story:
One day in the rainy season in 2015, I was in a state of shock at a camera store in Shibuya. I was convinced that the high contrast black-and-white image on the LCD screen was exactly the one I was looking for, and that was the moment I decided to purchase the GR. As I left the store, without checking the settings, I wanted so bad to take pictures with this camera as soon as possible, then rushed to the humid streets of Shibuya.
I’ve had a long relationship with photography. My grandfather and my father both loved photography, so naturally cameras were always near me. I have a good memory, as a teenager, of using a camera they gave me and waiting for a film to be developed after traveling with my family. However, my relationship with photography was superficial at the time. There was nothing special I could gain from it other than recording memories.
Looking back, it is no exaggeration to say that the encounter with GR was a turning point in my photography career. For me, now as a photographer, the GR is my best friend and my teacher.
The compact body you can carry around anywhere and the instantaneous mechanism to respond to the moment make photography a part of your life. Since that day in Shibuya, there has been no day when I’m without my GR.
I photograph, therefore I am. That is a sign of happiness.
The daily accumulation of photographs has given me a new perspective of life. There are infinite possibilities within the small body of GR. That has not been changed from the day one when I met the GR until now when I'm a GRist.
While pursuing my own expression, I would also love to guide as many GR users as possible towards exciting discoveries of their own.
Tomas H. Hara
Born in Buenos Aires in 1987, Tomas H. Hara is an Argentinian street photographer based in Tokyo. Tomas’ passion to photography was inherited at early age from his father. After graduating from university in Buenos Aires, Tomas moved Tokyo where he pursues his street photography focused on people of Shibuya, Shinjuku, and other urban cities.