The Theme of GR SNAPS Vol.9 is “Monotone”
Many of you might think “monotone” photos are those in black, white, or gray, in other words "black and white" photos. But if you look up the definition of the word “monotone”, you will find that monochromatic (monotone) color refers to [a color scheme that is comprised of variations of one color].
Thus, any color can comprise a “monotone color scheme” as long as it derives from light and shade of a single color. For example, green and light green make up a green monotone, and blue and light blue a blue monotone.
Monotone expressions are diverse depending on how you perceive light and shadow and how you feel the color. Even with a little consciousness, you may be able to see a different world than usual.
Share your monotone world!
***** GR SNAPS Vol.9 Summary *****
· Application Period: November 13 (Fri) to November 29 (Sun), 2020
· Theme: "Monotone"
· How to Apply: Post on your Instagram or Twitter account.
Post your image with the following two hashtags on your Instagram or Twitter account.
#grsnaps09 #grsnaps
· Announcement of Selection: The writers will select 5 works after consultation and announce it in late December here on GR official
· Others
- Please Post on Twitter or Instagram.
- Selected works will be used in the main visuals etc. of this site.
- For other terms and precautions when posting, please check the SNAPS planning terms in this site ABOUT (around the center).
Looking forward to your posts. Thank you!