Tokyo Street Snap – Shinjuku – (ARA)

2021.01.25 BLOG

Shinjuku was the city to go to when I was a kid, whose playground was the natural forest of Musashino.

A long time ago, when I was a teenager, I saved up my pocket money to get a Stratocaster (a copy model) and clothes from the brands I longed for (on off-season sales) in this city.

GR III, Av mode, 1 / 250s, F4.0, ISO2000, Hi-Contrast B&W

After I got a job and changed my living areas, I had less chances to visit, but it still gives me a unique and mixed feeling of an embarrassment of being known of my boyhood and a sense of security of returning to the old nest. There is no city like that other than Shinjuku.

GR III, Av mode, 1 / 20s, F4.0, ISO2000, Hi-Contrast B&W

One thing that's special about Shinjuku is the differences between the east and west of the station and between day and night.
I unconsciously learned the duality of adult society from the air of the city.

GR III, Av mode, 1 / 20s, F3.2, ISO2000, Hi-Contrast B&W

Although I had known of Golden Gai (an area of Shinjuku famous for nightlife) for a long time, the first time I stopped by a bar there was rather recently, after the area had become a tourist spot.

If there was a reset button in my life, I would like to be a man who would look good in that area.

GR III, Av mode, 1 / 30s, F4.0, ISO2000, Hi-Contrast B&W

I've always wanted to be a bad old man who gets really drunk and talks about Brassai.


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