Announcing GR SNAPS Vol.2 Selections!

2018.07.31 BLOG

Announcing GR SNAPS Vol.2 Selections!

Let us announce the result of GR SNAPS Vol.2. We have selected five images out of so many posts.

You may have had hard time dealing with the theme "light" because it was too essential for photography itself.
At first, we were trying to choose pictures with strong light, but as we went on, we realized choosing good photos resulted in choosing good light.

Just like Vol.1, we fully enjoyed your pictures.

The five selected works are as follows.

1. by mpalinchakphoto
The most popular among us. Excellent sense of street photography. Hats off to the coolness that goes far beyond “look how good I am” sort of photos, which we are tired of. His other entries were also nice.

2. by chankatsu_81
The second most popular this time. Exquisite control of noise. The GR takes this kind of mind blowing photos sometimes (oh, we are not supposed to say “sometimes”).

3. by mana.c
This one does not look intentional and the more you look at it, the more you get to like it. It’s not a matter of composition or opportunity. There is little strength in the light itself, but you can find calmness of the time and space because of that.

4. by _gue_i_thi_
Light and shadow in the business street. The strong contrast between the white shirt and the shade of building seems to represent this year’s heat. Tokyo? Funny it doesn’t look like it.

5. by wilsonhophotog
We saw many photographs of people's shadows, but this one outstanded in composition. The tension that’s characteristic of 28mm lens can be seen.

Thank you for posting many photos.

Please continue to post with the tag "#grsnaps" even when it’s not GR SNAPS entry period. We will regram our favorite ones on the GR official Instagram account!

Thank you!

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