Hello, this is Inaba from the General Design Center of Ricoh Imaging Company. I have been a guest writer several times, but I have been caught in a skillful solicitation (just kidding) and have become a regular writer now.
* Click here for previous articles
As the first blog post, I would like to talk about my relationship with GR and my shooting style, along with snapshots I took in the past.

GR III Av Mode F2.8 SS1/50 ISO100 EV-1.0 Auto WB Bleach Bypass
I seem to like backlit vertical low-angles.
Since the time of film, I always had a camera in my bag. Unfortunately, although I had some chances to borrow a GR1, which I longed for at that time, from a friend, I was using a cheap camera from a certain company. Even so, the camera I was using had a 28mm single focus lens and it's been a familiar view angle since then.
Time passed and the first GR I got was "GR DIGITAL IV" (so late). Being so familiar with 28mm, I had no problem in terms of angle of view, and I used it until it was worn out. I still take it out and use it sometimes.

GRD IV A mode F1.9 SS1/79 ISO80 EV-1.0 Auto WB level correction & WB correction
With my GR DIGITAL, I took many landscapes.
It was from GR II that I was actually involved in GR design, and I was in charge of the total design for GR III. I also design various items other than the main body. I will write about that later.
In order to write this article, I looked back on the photos I took with my GRs, but they are messed up and inconsistent (the photos posted here too). Among many photos that I thought were not good enough at that time, I find some of them good now. I had a great time looking back at the photos.

GR III Av Mode F4.0 SS 2'' ISO100 EV-1.0 Auto WB Cross Process
Nice to look back at this failed photo that I wasn't careful enough during long exposure.
What surprised me was that there were fewer black-and-white photographs than I thought, even though I had assigned black-and-white to the user mode (laughs). After all, when I take a snapshot, I release the shutter when there is something attractive to me. It's like "Oh!, Click!" without any intention of taking cool pictures.

GR III Tv Mode F8.0 SS 0.5'' ISO200 EV-0.3 Auto WB Bleach Bypass
It seems that I like multi-layered scenery by reflection of the window.

GR III Av Mode F2.8 SS1 / 160 ISO200 EV-0.7 Auto WB Hard Monotone
When I find something strange, I take a picture.
Well, the last photo is not "Oh!, Click!" but "Ah!, Click!" instead, right?
I'd like to end my first article by saying that my shooting style is I am lucky if I can take a picture I like as a result.