Don’t Take Them for Granted (Robert)

2022.07.29 BLOG

In June, I went to the Museum of Modern Art, Kanagawa to see the Alec Soth exhibition with the students of the photography class I teach. It was the first class excursion after the long pandemic.

This museum is located near the Pacific Ocean and mountains. You can enjoy not only art but also the landscape.

The sky was deep blue after the shortest rainy season in recorded history, and you could see Mt. Fuji beyond the beach, which was crowded for the time of the year.

We enjoyed the works of legendary American photographers at each one's own pace, and then moved to a restaurant for a heated discussion. We talked about how we liked and disliked the show.

Last time we went on an excursion, we discussed Haruki Murakami in the van I drove. Some loved him and others didn't. I love it when my students express their opinions and they listen to each other.

It was such a memorable Sunday to enjoy the freedom of art expression and freedom of speech, which may seem taken for granted, but actually are not.

(All photos taken with GR III Street Edition)


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