The GRist in September is from Taiwan- Mookio Chen. He is a photographer who organizes GR workshops and publishes GR related books. He comes to Japan often to take photos. Enjoy his unique colors.
Mookio Chen, Taiwan, Taipei
10 years ago, I came across with GRD. Since then, I have cherished many characters of this camera such as customized setting function, well-designed function key arrangements, compact camera body that fits into my Jean pocket, unique colour touch, SNAP function, and so on… It enables me to enjoy photography in a very simple way. Even though mobile phone photography is very convenient, GR is still my best choice for Snap Shot photography.
Whether it is my daily life or trips to various countries, GR has always been the one I tale the most shots with. The more scenery I see, the more journeys I take, I realized a simple truth: Beautiful photography does not rely on expensive photo equipment, instead, it depends on how one walks through the scenery, and feel the photos as they take the shot. It is also the process of searching the wonder of light and shadows. GR is the one I trust most.
Due to my attachment to Ricoh GR, I have written three GR photography books in the past and met many new friends who also love GR street photography. When we go out together holding GR in our hands, we talk about our life values and mutual interests, instead of comparing photo equipment.
I truly appreciate such a unique camera like GR which accompanied me for a long time. I hope GR will continue to evolve in the future. GR is definitely the best partner in my life.
I have published seven photography books, awarded 2010 and 2012 Eslite TOP 100 Best Seller. My works are also introduced in “Best 12 Contemporary Photographers 2014”, “2015 & 2017 Professional Writer”.
#Original text
從10年前開始接觸GRD,便發覺這台小相機的可愛之處,個人化的設置操作,優秀的按鍵布局,放進牛仔褲口袋的機身,獨特色彩、SNAP快拍,讓攝影變成一件簡單的事情。現今雖然手機攝影帶來更多的拍攝的方便性,但GR依然是隨身SNAP SHOT最佳選擇。
因為喜愛GR的緣故,這幾年來我寫過3本專門的RICOH GR攝影書籍,也認識許多喜愛GR隨手拍攝的攝影同好,當我們一起拿著GR出遊,更多的是生活的認同感,討論最多的是彼此的興趣,而不是相機器材之間的比較。