The 58th GRist is photographer Hiroshi Hatano!
In 2022, Mr Hatano wrote about the GR on his blog, where I found the article and photos so great that I wanted to share them with you.
★note:Hiroshi Hatano ※Jananese only
I knew the GR had a core fanbase and was popular, but I honestly didn't expect anything. At all. I originally bought the GRiii to use as a light meter and backup for my medium format film camera, but the compactness, mobility, portability and performance have made it more useful than my medium format film camera. I'm sorry I didn't recognise it, but it's a great camera.
Photographers use all sorts of cameras. To be honest, it doesn't really matter what camera you use. The content of a photograph may change with the camera, but the tone of a photograph does not often change with the camera. This is because they shoot in RAW and develop the images on a computer. This is why you can use the same camera as your favorite photographer and still get different results.
Even if you use the same camera, you will never be able to take the same kind of pictures. In the same way, using the same pot as a cook will not produce the same taste. The seasoning of the food determines the taste of the food, and the RAW processing determines the photograph. This alone will make your photos much more enjoyable.
Hiroshi Hata
1983 Born in Tokyo
2004 Dropped out of the Japan College of Photography and Art
2010 Studied under advertising photographer Tsutomu Takasaki, won the Nikon Juna 21 Award for his work 'Kaijo iseki (Maritime Ruins)'
2011 Became an independent photographer
2012 Won the Epson Photo Grand Prix
2017-Present Developed multiple myeloma
’Bokutachi ga erabenakatta koto o erabi naosu tameni (To Choose Again What We Could Not Choose)'
'Shashinshu (Photos)'
'Boku ga kodomo no koro hoshikatta oya ni naru (Being the Parent I Wanted When I Was a Child)'
'Nan de boku ni kikun daro (Why Do They Ask Me?)'
'Tanin no nayamigoto wa hitogoto, jibun no nayamigoto wa ogoto (Other People's Problems are Trivial, My Problems are Serious)
'Love letter'
'Daitai ningenkankeide nayamasareru #'Nan de boku ni kikun daro'(often troubled by relationships)