Escape to the Shade (Inaba)

2024.08.13 BLOG

(Translated from the original post on September 1, 2023)

Hello, this is Inaba.

The hot days continue. When I am outside, I tend to escape to the shade to avoid direct sunlight. I would like to share some snapshots I took from the shade when I escaped there, mainly in monochrome to show the contrast more clearly. My apologies for the hot pictures in this heat.

GR III Av mode F2.8 SS1/1600 ISO100 EV-0.7 AWB Hard Monotone Level Compensation

When you walk on the sidewalk, you choose the one with shade, don't you? It is a blessing to be able to avoid direct sunlight. This photo was taken when the pavement was shining like a mirror, reflecting the sunlight. This reflected light alone makes me feel the heat. You could fry an egg on the hood of a car.

GR III Av Mode F2.8 SS1/100 ISO200 EV-0.7 AWB Hard Monotone Level Compensation

This is when I escaped to the shade under the elevated railway. I thought it would be cool because of the river below, but the reflected light from the water and the humidity did not give me the coolness I was expecting, and I was attacked by a sweltering heat. I should not let my guard down just because I was able to escape into the shade.

A few people walked by, looking at me with strange eyes as I composed the image with my camera sweating.

GR III Av Mode F2.8 SS1/25 ISO4000 EV-0.7 AWB Monotone Level Compensation

Then I thought it would be cooler in the underpass! But the underpass I used was a disaster because it was much hotter and more humid. Do not escape to an underpass during a heat wave. The brightness of the underpass exit makes it look cooler, but it is not cooler than it looks.

GR III Av Mode F2.8 SS1/250 ISO200 EV0.0 AWB Hard Monotone Level Compensation

The platform also has a shady part due to the structure of the station, so people are taking refuge there, but they look like they have given up on the heat and want the train to come as soon as possible. I want to cool off in the train too.

I have shown you a lot of dark photos so far, because they are all snapshots in the shadows. So at the end, I will show you a bright one!

GR III P mode F5.6 SS1/500 ISO200 EV+0.7 AWB Monochrome level compensation

Even pigeons escape?!

This shot was taken from the sun, not the shade, but the group behavior of the pigeons also showed the intense heat this year. I did not know that pigeons also escape the heat. I thought, "Pigeons, you too?"

The heat continues, but I hope you too will enjoy your snapshots, taking care not to suffer from heat stroke. And don't forget to stay hydrated!

See you soon!


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