The 70th GRist is from Hong Kong!
We would like to introduce Jeremy Cheung, who is a judge of "GR PHOTO FESTIVAL 2024".
My GR Journey
I have been a Ricoh GR camera fan for over a decade. I owned my first Ricoh GR1 film camera in 2013, and then moved to the Ricoh GR II in 2016 before upgrading to the Ricoh GR III in 2019, which I still use today. I have unfortunately lost my GR III twice - once on a bus and once in a cinema, and was able to find it back only one time.
I carry the Ricoh GR in my bag or pocket every day, both in my hometown of Hong Kong and during all my overseas trips. My photography style is always about searching for the movement, the flow and the rhythm happening within the surrounding environments. The compactness and lightness of the Ricoh GR camera really help me to roam the streets freely and capture the right moment quickly. The Ricoh GR has consistently delivered accurate performance and an adventurous photographic experience.
With the Ricoh GR, I can freely switch between documentary and creative photography styles. It is essentially a great tool to help me express, realize and share the different flavors of life. I view the Ricoh GR as a daily companion that is always faithful and able to spark new inspirations.
Jeremy Cheung is a freelance photographer based in Hong Kong. He has won major awards in Hong Kong National Geographic Photo Contests (1st & 3rd prizes in 2021 & 2017 respectively), as well as been selected as an Adobe Lightroom Global Ambassador in 2023. He has worked with brands/organizations such as HSBC, Canon, Leica, Cartier, BMW, the Hong Kong Tourism Board, and The North Face, among others. Jeremy has also held five solo photography exhibitions since 2018. He also provides photography instruction for various organizations and brands.
我的 GR 之旅
我已經是一個堅定的Ricoh GR相機粉絲超過十年了。我在2013年擁有了我的第一台GR1底片相機,然後在2016年轉用GR II型號,並在2019年升級到GR III型號,一直使用至今。可惜的是,我不小心把GR III遺失過兩次 —— 一次是在巴士上,一次是在戲院裡,而最終只成功找到一次。
不論是在我的家香港還是在旅行中,我每天都會把Ricoh GR相機放在口袋裡。我的攝影風格一直都關於尋找環境中的動態、流動和節奏。GR相機輕便和小巧,很幫助我自由地在街頭遊走並及時捕捉到準確的瞬間。GR出色的拍攝性能和富有冒險感的體驗,都是我一直使用它的原因。
Jeremy Cheung
張俊謙是一位常駐香港的自由攝影師。他在香港國家地理攝影大賽中曾經獲得冠軍和季軍(分別在2021年和2017年),並在2023年被選為Adobe Lightroom 全球大使。他曾與HSBC、佳能、徠卡、卡地亞、寶馬、香港旅遊發展局、The North Face等品牌和機構合作。張氏自2018年以來舉辦了五次個人攝影展。他亦為各種機構和品牌提供攝影指導。