Long-awaited summer vacation.
It is my family’s custom to spend the time in Matsue in Shimane Prefecture, where my family lives.
This year we did something different. We got off the expressway a little before and stayed at a B&B in Musumizu Highlands, Tottori Prefecture.
At the foot of magnificent Mt. Daisen, we enjoyed the abundant nature.

For it was a difficult light condition, I applied the exposure compensation. In order to emphasize the sunset cloud, I used the Clarity effect.
A view of Yonago city area from the parking lot of the highlands. I could see the sun setting in the Sea of Japan.
When the night falls, the summer stars start to shine.
Lying on a camping cot and looking up the Milky Way with a beer can in my hand is absolutely awesome.

ISO 1600, F2.8, 15 second long exposure. The focus set to ∞ (infinity), the tripod used.
I captured a clear shooting star of the Perseid meteor shower in the Summer Triangle tracing along the Cygnus.
After adjusting the white balance and clarity parameters in the in-camera RAW development and exporting it in JPEG data, I adjusted the levels (MANUAL) to have darker black in the picture.
Other than the star observation, we caught insects gathering under the street lamps.
This picture was taken in memory of these two beetles when we released them to the hardwood forest in the following morning.

By the way, I assign AF/MF to the left of the cross key of my GRII.
After pressing the shutter button and applying the AF, I switch it to the MF and fix the focus position. This is especially convenient when shooting macro.
Unfortunately, the summer vacation was almost over.
We departed for our home 700 kilometers ahead after this.